The House of Maltby
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Shades of Gray
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011
So let the therapy begin!
Recently, Shawn and I have gone through some serious life changes/choices. We lost his Dad this Spring and at that point a new job opportunity arose and we are always up for a challenge so we took it. Sometimes tragedy brings opportunity for change and forces you to assess your life and do what makes you happy. It does require the family to move to Anchorage so it comes with a lot of mixed emotions because so much of our life together is centered around this town and specifically this home that we share together. With change comes a range of emotions, all of which we were ready to face head on. We have each other, after all, and that has always worked for us in the past. The one thing I was not prepared for was the backlash that has come from us moving forward.
I understand people will get their feelings hurt because in Shawn's line of business these teams were established as clubs and people get very attached to the fact that they feel like they are part of something bigger. We never intended to hurt feelings but you don't get anywhere in life but staying in one place and not going for what you want. Shawn has never been one to not look at the bigger picture and reach for a new challenge. It is what I love about him. So, the fact that so many people have said such horrible and hateful things about this wonderful person in my life, is disgusting and pisses me off to depths I cannot even express in words!!
It is one thing to get your feelings hurt and pout for a day or two, but 3 months, really??? Don't you have anyone else to discuss??? We have done a lot for this organization and this community so to have people blatantly attack Shawn's integrity and intentions is a complete crock of shit! He is a man of great integrity and in life we only have one thing that we control, how we treat others! Instead of focusing on what you lost, why don't you focus on how this could make you better? Isn't that what makes champions?? (I think I read this on a Wheaties box as a child but I could be wrong!) This is a business and in handling things as one owes anyone in this community a god damned thing!
I guess in a small town, things never change. People still get envious when someone else moves on and they are stuck where they are because they get sucked into a small-minded mentality and don't see outside of the little pond they are living in. I say it often, being from a small town does not mean you have to settle for having a small mind. Think bigger and strive to be something bigger than you are! We are only as good as our word in this world, when people make up rumors and lies about a person it attacks their moral threads and in some cases the damage is irreversible. For those that know us and know what we stand for, what you see is what you get. You may not like what we have to say but at least you know where we stand. Integrity sets apart the good from the bad. It is the one thing in your life that no matter what people say or do, they truly can't change about a person. If you have strong moral compass the rest falls into place. Good things eventually happen to good people, sometimes not right when you want it to but all in due time.
Though these attacks hurt and make me angry, I will not give up on the people in this community that make my heart happy. We have made so many life-long friendships and connections here. Just stay true to you and if someone tries to tell you information that is untrue about somebody, set them straight. Life is not Junior High, rumors and lies have dire consequences now.
Just remember; good things happen to good people and bad things well... you see where I'm going. Our lives will collide again and when they do we will hold our heads high because we have nothing to be ashamed of. Can you say the same?
You're right, Doc, much better....
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Happy Anniversary Maltbys!!!
8 years ago (6/1/2002), Shawn and I became Husband and Wife! This year marks our 10th year together!!
To another 100 years!!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Resolutions, Smesolutions...
Dylan had an extremely busy Spring. Field Trips, testing, programs and t-ball. The day we left for Florida, I spent the day at the Anchorage Zoo with Dylan's class. What a great day! The weather was nice and all the kids did amazing on their projects. Dylan did his report on the Wolverine and was so well spoken when he had to read it...makes Mommy proud. Dylan did amazingly well in his standardized testing this year either scoring right at or above where he should be so we are extremely proud of the student he is becoming. We are pleased to announce that he will be in the same class as this year as his teacher was asked to teach the 2nd grade. She only agreed with the stipulation that her 1st graders made the transition with her.
Next Year's Assignment: 2nd Grade!!
Carson!!! Oh, Carson!! This child continues to crack me up while testing my last nerve! He is peculiar and extremely animated. Still trying to figure out where he gets that?!?! ;) He played Indoor Soccer this season and really enjoyed himself. His BFF Cavan (they actually share the same birthday just a year apart) was on his team and I think they had more fun chasing each other around and announcing, "Let's kick some booty butts!" More than they actually enjoyed playing Soccer itself.
Carson was also accepted into the pre-school program at Mountain View so that means, we will have both boys at the same school next year. Shawn and I feel that this transition will be much easier for him in Kindergarten. He will go all 5 days for 3 hours a day!! I have to say, I was super impressed with his intelligence...he is one sharp little guy, now to get him to focus! Um, what is that???
Next Year's Assignment: Preschool
As I mentioned earlier we are in T-ball Season and this year 4-year-olds were allowed to play so
I will make an effort to update this a little more often this Summer but no promises. Not like I'm too busy for you all but really, I am! Sorry, gotta be honest!!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Would you like some potatoes with that gravy???
I decided to start South Beach last week. This is a wonderful jump-start to diets and would have worked had I not been running to train for a half-marathon. I found myself more aggitated than usual and am pretty sure I was going into shock. Headaches and double vision led to dreams of doughnuts and cake. Needless to say, I went back to the land of carbs and am loving it!!!! God bless you are my friend!
Shawn has decided that he wants to run the Iditarod. This revelation came out of left field and I would've been surprised but he does these things sometimes and they usually pass. He then proceeded to explain to me how he would run it and win and beat all the records. It was at this point I explained to him that, a) we don't own a dog let alone multiple dogs to actually race the Iditarod, b) he grew up in Florida and doesn't fair well in the cold and c) we don't own a dog let alone multiple dogs...I then suggested a unicycle. We still need to work out the logistics but stay tuned...this could be AMAZING!!!
Dylan has been pretty low-key. He is leader of the pack so to speak so he puffs his chest and tries to control the masses. He has currently become "gangster" and throws "gangster" signage and says phrases such as "Ah, Snap" and "What up!" You should see him dance...ghetto superstar meets extremely preppy 6-year-old Irish boy. CLASSIC!!! He is completely baseball obsessed and if I hear the tennis ball bounce off my wall one more time this week...I might scream!!!
Carson has entered a phase of pure awesomeness...NOT!!! He has become more challenging and stubborn than I ever could imagine. He refuses breakfast, lunch and dinner after he puts in the request for specific entrees choices. He will then stomp his feet and tell me how "awful" I am and how "bisgusting" his food is. After about 20 minutes he is in full on laughter and chowing down??? I don't get it??? I thought girls were supposed to be emotional??? I'm not sure I like him...I mean, I love him but there are days I would like to have him raised by a group of English Nannies and returned when he is properly versed in the art of table manners. His new phrase is OMG, as in, Oh my Gravy! Not sure where we came up with this phrase but I find myself using it often. He will break it out when his utterly "bisgusted" with me or his brothers.
The bits are now into, wait for it....poop! They are obsessed with their poo! it is the most disgusting thing I have ever experienced with all my boys!!! This happens during nap time and in the worst case results in diapers being thrown around the room. What would possess a perfectly normal 21 month old child to throw his diaper across the room??? They are like little primates that you watch at the zoo. You know the ones that throw poop at the protective glass where you gaulk and giggle as they play with their feces. Not funny people!!!! Not funny at all!!!
I think the shower might have been a provided the solution but now they are afraid of their bath...maybe I should duct tape their diapers???
Aside from their primal indiscretions they are pretty much the funniest children I have ever met in my life. I'm not sure if it is the fact that there are two of them but they are just like Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum!!! They play off each other and I'm fairly certain they talk about us in their alien like language. This usually results in hysterical laughter...twins are a strange phenomenon that I'm not sure we will ever understand them. And sometimes I think that might be a good thing...
Whoever said that raising boys is WAY easier than raising girls, has either had no children at all or sedated their sons until the age of 16. Either way they are filthy liars and should be punished! I recommend a day in my house with no lunch or bathroom breaks...
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
The Maltby's Lately...
Well, I was going to load some videos but for some reason...I can't! Anyway...I will keep trying and post them soon!!! Love you all...