Monday, April 26, 2010

Resolutions, Smesolutions...

I would like to begin by saying...I suck at Resolutions and you all should've known better than to expect weekly blogs from me. You all should know by now, I take on way too many projects and though I generally finish all of them, timelines are not my forte.
Now onto the good stuff.....

Summer is in full swing!! School is officially out and we couldn't be happier (insert sacrastic eye roll here.) The brightside, weather has been abnormally warm for May and that truly DOES make me happy!

Let's see...

Shawn and I went to Florida the first weekend in May to celebrate the wedding of our dear friend/sister, Leslie! What an amazing weekend we had. Mom and Scott watched the boys and we were able to enjoy the wedding festivities! It is so refreshing to get back around such good family and friends. We had a blast and Shawn has a new found love/hate relationship with Beefeaters. I have video but will save that for a later date when he is on punishment. All I will say is it involved dancing, throwing hands in the air and a possible "woohoo!" Let your imagination take you away. Thank you so much to the Jones Family for including us in this special time and Congratulations to Aunt Sassy and "Uncle" Ben!! We love you guys!!

Dylan had an extremely busy Spring. Field Trips, testing, programs and t-ball. The day we left for Florida, I spent the day at the Anchorage Zoo with Dylan's class. What a great day! The weather was nice and all the kids did amazing on their projects. Dylan did his report on the Wolverine and was so well spoken when he had to read it...makes Mommy proud. Dylan did amazingly well in his standardized testing this year either scoring right at or above where he should be so we are extremely proud of the student he is becoming. We are pleased to announce that he will be in the same class as this year as his teacher was asked to teach the 2nd grade. She only agreed with the stipulation that her 1st graders made the transition with her.

Next Year's Assignment: 2nd Grade!!

Carson!!! Oh, Carson!! This child continues to crack me up while testing my last nerve! He is peculiar and extremely animated. Still trying to figure out where he gets that?!?! ;) He played Indoor Soccer this season and really enjoyed himself. His BFF Cavan (they actually share the same birthday just a year apart) was on his team and I think they had more fun chasing each other around and announcing, "Let's kick some booty butts!" More than they actually enjoyed playing Soccer itself.

Carson was also accepted into the pre-school program at Mountain View so that means, we will have both boys at the same school next year. Shawn and I feel that this transition will be much easier for him in Kindergarten. He will go all 5 days for 3 hours a day!! I have to say, I was super impressed with his intelligence...he is one sharp little guy, now to get him to focus! Um, what is that???

Next Year's Assignment: Preschool

(Carson and Cavan had their very first sleep-over! They are super funny and seriously could be cute!)

As I mentioned earlier we are in T-ball Season and this year 4-year-olds were allowed to play so
Dylan and Carson are on the same team this year!

This provides much comic relief as well as a little sibling rivalry. I think Dylan might be getting too big for his britches and kind of shows off. He clearly should be in "Coach Pitch" this year but his birthday was 2 months shy of the cut-off. This second year in T-ball will be good for him and maybe, just maybe teach him a little humility. One can only hope, right?? Carson follows in his brother's footsteps but as a left-hander! It will be extremely interesting to see how different they play the game. I will attest to the fact that their slides into home plate (completely unnecessary are all runners score) are AMAZING!!!

The Bits are getting ever so close to turning 2 and boy are they showing signs of the "terrible toddler" behavior!! They have a serious case of the "NO's," and I'm pretty sure they are trying to decide how to make the Grand escape from Casa de Maltby! We have moved them into big boy beds and like every transition this too has proven a bit challenging but we are surviving and they LOVE their new beds! We had some neighbors moving so the time was right to score some new beds pretty cheap!!! I figured now was as good a time as any though my 4:45 wake up calls may disagree.

They are just growing up so fast and we now have to lock every door to keep them in. They have been found wandering the streets on more than one occasion. I generally have them captured by the time they are next door but still, kind of scary. They have been plotting their escape since conception; first from the womb and now from their home. What next, sheet ladders from their windows? I mean, seriously...we are in for it with these two!!

Next Year's Assignment: Potty Training, Prison Jumpsuits and Bars on the Windows

I will make an effort to update this a little more often this Summer but no promises. Not like I'm too busy for you all but really, I am! Sorry, gotta be honest!!


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