Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Maltby's Lately...

The Maltbys Lately.... Oh, where to begin???We had an amazing holiday season....Aunt Kelsey and Uncle Boyle came to visit and kept the boys busy. They spent Christmas morning, building a snowman with the boys and I think it may have been a first for several of the children (and adults.) Grandma has bought them a "snowman" kit! Comes with all you need to make a cute snowman...super fun!!!

The New Year came on quickly and we have been busy as usual. We have been tackling an upcoming Oilers event and are hoping it is a HUGE success!! Alicia started a new business and is working hard to build her client list and so far things have taken off. Thanks to her sister Kamela, we are hoping to keep the business going for years to come. You can check out their website at: Amazing products are used and Alicia is having a fun time meeting new people and making the Kenai Peninsula beautiful one tan at a time. (OK, a little cheesy, but hey...Marketing, right??)

Dylan is busy with school and is growing so fast. He is such a good student and is getting exceptional marks in all areas of first grade. He is gearing up for baseball clinics (yes, already!!) He is continuing to lose all his this rate the tooth fairy might be broke by Summer. Teeth have gone up in market value. What happened to 50 cents a tooth???

Carson is still as funny and crazy as always. This child never ceases to amaze witty and extremely stubborn. He just had his teeth fixed on Friday in surgery. So he now has a mouth full of metal until his "gwown up teef" come in. The nurses at the hospital just loved him and think he is very charming. The doctor had asked him if he wanted to hear them sing Neil Diamond or Barry Manilow and he responded, "Neil Diamond sounds good!" Pretty sure he doesn't know who that is but it cracked them up and they are now smitten with our little charmer. He is eagerly awaiting pre-school in August and is fairly certain he will be the "Best student ebber!"

He was given this hat from his Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Curry...he was so excited that he gave us a Ho-Ho-Ho!!! Like we said before....Funny Kid!!

Oh and finally, the bits! TNT are growing like weeds and are well, turning 2 soon! What else to say??? They are full of attitude and independence these days. We are fairly certain the other boys were just as much "trouble" but there is something to be said about the twin bond and how much more trouble they can get into, together! They are each other's best friend and biggest enemy all wrapped into one. Needless to say, we count our blessings daily that Alicia was able to give birth to two healthy baby boys with no health challenges. That in itself, is our miracle! (Trevor is growling and Trey is putting on his "cheese" face!)

Well, I was going to load some videos but for some reason...I can't! Anyway...I will keep trying and post them soon!!! Love you all...

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