Friday, September 9, 2011


Let me begin by saying, I went to the doctor recently to discuss some anxiety issues that I have battled for several years. Mostly, a direct result of post-partum depression added to the fact that I am neurotic and maybe a tiny bit controlling; but for those of you that know me...this is no big surprise! It was at this appointment that the doctor and I discussed therapy. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about therapy but I don't have the time to sit for an hour and talk about myself and my "issues" so I had an amazing revelation...blogging! What better way to get it all out there and better yet, it's ALL free!!!

So let the therapy begin!

Recently, Shawn and I have gone through some serious life changes/choices. We lost his Dad this Spring and at that point a new job opportunity arose and we are always up for a challenge so we took it. Sometimes tragedy brings opportunity for change and forces you to assess your life and do what makes you happy. It does require the family to move to Anchorage so it comes with a lot of mixed emotions because so much of our life together is centered around this town and specifically this home that we share together. With change comes a range of emotions, all of which we were ready to face head on. We have each other, after all, and that has always worked for us in the past. The one thing I was not prepared for was the backlash that has come from us moving forward.

I understand people will get their feelings hurt because in Shawn's line of business these teams were established as clubs and people get very attached to the fact that they feel like they are part of something bigger. We never intended to hurt feelings but you don't get anywhere in life but staying in one place and not going for what you want. Shawn has never been one to not look at the bigger picture and reach for a new challenge. It is what I love about him. So, the fact that so many people have said such horrible and hateful things about this wonderful person in my life, is disgusting and pisses me off to depths I cannot even express in words!!

It is one thing to get your feelings hurt and pout for a day or two, but 3 months, really??? Don't you have anyone else to discuss??? We have done a lot for this organization and this community so to have people blatantly attack Shawn's integrity and intentions is a complete crock of shit! He is a man of great integrity and in life we only have one thing that we control, how we treat others! Instead of focusing on what you lost, why don't you focus on how this could make you better? Isn't that what makes champions?? (I think I read this on a Wheaties box as a child but I could be wrong!) This is a business and in handling things as one owes anyone in this community a god damned thing!

I guess in a small town, things never change. People still get envious when someone else moves on and they are stuck where they are because they get sucked into a small-minded mentality and don't see outside of the little pond they are living in. I say it often, being from a small town does not mean you have to settle for having a small mind. Think bigger and strive to be something bigger than you are! We are only as good as our word in this world, when people make up rumors and lies about a person it attacks their moral threads and in some cases the damage is irreversible. For those that know us and know what we stand for, what you see is what you get. You may not like what we have to say but at least you know where we stand. Integrity sets apart the good from the bad. It is the one thing in your life that no matter what people say or do, they truly can't change about a person. If you have strong moral compass the rest falls into place. Good things eventually happen to good people, sometimes not right when you want it to but all in due time.

Though these attacks hurt and make me angry, I will not give up on the people in this community that make my heart happy. We have made so many life-long friendships and connections here. Just stay true to you and if someone tries to tell you information that is untrue about somebody, set them straight. Life is not Junior High, rumors and lies have dire consequences now.

Just remember; good things happen to good people and bad things well... you see where I'm going. Our lives will collide again and when they do we will hold our heads high because we have nothing to be ashamed of. Can you say the same?

You're right, Doc, much better....